Meditation Technique

Satyadeep Meditation

To Accomplish this pupose of uniting mankind for sacred activities, Satyadeep Sai organisation developed Satyadeep Sai Universe, Satyadeep Shiv Sai Universe and Satyadeep Sai Baba Charitable School, to spread the Universal unitary faith, the Atmic principle (principle of the spirit), the path of love(prema), the path of Dharma(righteousness), the path of Ahimsa(non Voilence), and the path of shanti(peace and happiness).

Following are step –by-step directions for Satyadeep Mediation-

1. We should set a few minutes and place every day for meditation, either in morning or in evening depending upon your convenience. But it is preferable to sit in early hours in morning before dawn as the dealings of day time won't disturb us.

2. We should sit on a thin mattress for meditation. Our sitting pose should be entirely comfortable for our body and mind.

3. We should now start chanting "OM" the universal mantra atleast 21 times. The outcome of this is the mind under the influence of this divine sound slowly loses its momentum of thinking and reaches to calm and peaceful stage.

4. The very next step is to put the breath in rhythm is "inhale", "exhale", keeping your eyes closed. When we inhale the breath sounds "So", and when we exhale it sounds "Humm", which means "He", ie "God" and "I" or "God" am "I". This makes the process of meditation normal that is longer and calmer.

5. Look on the Satyadeep(flame) for sometime and closing your eyes, try to feel this flame inside you, right in the center of the heart. Thereby bathing every thought prevading in our heart and now there is no space for darkness to hide. There by purifying the heart. Now gently move this light to the other parts of your body

"As the light fills the eyes, they get purified and sees no evil."
"As the light moves towards my ears they will never hear evil or bad."
"As the light pervades my tongue, there is no space for it to utter harsh words."
"As the light moves towards my hands, now they will do right things.
As the light moves towards my legs, now they will always engaged in good actions and good work..
Now our entire body is purified by this light (satyadeep)-flame

6. This way one flame on which we concentrate cleanse our mind and body and spread its light and radiance to envelope the entire world.

7. Now slowly open your eyes and look at the Satydeep (flame) for 2 to 3 minutes.

8. Imagine the figure or the form of your choice (Sai Baba) your Ishta Devta or the Deity on that Satyadeep followed by Namsamran " OM SAI RAM" or your personal mantra effortlessly.

9. You should be relaxed without any tension and be natural

10. Now slowly close the eyes and meditate for a few minutes (10-15 min).

11. You have to stop repeating the mantras while you are meditating.

12. Now slowly & slowly open your eyes and end meditation softy and slowly.