Pujniye Maa is the embodiment of Divine Bliss.Her love is unseen undercurrent binding all the four values, that is, love in thoughts is sathya (Truth), love in feeling is shanti (Peace), love in action is Dharama (Righteousness) and love in understanding is Ahimsa ( Non-Voilence). The grace of God cannot be won, love alone can win it. Love should not be rationed based on caste, creed, economic status of the recipient. It should flow fully and freely, regardless of consequence. Love saturates all the activites of joy and peace." Love yourself for the God that it embodies. Love others for the sake of God enshrined in them. Love to human being and one who fails to nourish this love is a beast. I bless you that you cultivate love towards all beings. Love is God, God is Love .

Prema ( The Highest Sadhana)

Cultivate Prema( Love) towards all. That will destroy envy, anger and hatred. " The farmer plants the seedling and watches over it with care, he waters them as and when necessary remove the weeds, destroys the pests, spreads manure and waits for the day when he can reap the harvest and fill his granary. So too you must nourish Prema and pluck out the weeds of hatred and envy. If you wear red glasses everything appears red, wear the glasses of Prema and all will appear loveable and good. The eye of Prema will see all as embodiments of love. Love more and more people, love them more and more intensely, transform love into service, transform the service into worship that is the highest Sadhana.The Grace of God is always fllowing like the electric current through the wire, fix the bulb and the current, according to the wattage of the bulb, it will illumine your home. The bulb is the Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) you perform, the home is your heart.


"The Best Way to Love God Is to Love All Serve All"

"Hands That Help Are Holier Than the Lips that Pray"."Cows generously give its milk to humans". "The trees yield fruits for benefits of others". "Rivers carry water for others". Man should also without considering his own personal interests, should use his body for the benefit of others.

Help Ever, Hurt Never."Selflles service is more exalted means of attaining spiritual progress than other means such as meditation or bhajan. This is so because when we undertake meditation or Japa, we do exclusively for our own benefit and not for the good of others, for our own individual desires and securing happiness for ourselves. However we should aspire for the attainment of the good of others without any desire of personal gain."Seva broadens the heart and widen's one's vision". It fills one with joy. It promotes unity. It derives out all the evil qualities in man. Everyone in this world is a servant and not a master. Selfless service is always at the highest level in hierarchy of spiritual disciplines.Service to man eradicates egoism and selfishness. "Service to man will help your divinity to blossom. Service to any beings amounts to serving me, for God is in all. The relief and joy that you give to the sick or education to poor reaches God, for God is in their hearts. Become the servants of the lord. Train yourselves to serve God by serving man, in whose hearts God is installed.

Service is worship, each act of service is a flower placed at the feet of the lord. "Seva is the best Sadhana". The body has been given to man for the performance of right action. Consider social services as service to God. This is the easiest way to earn the love of God. Your entire life will be sanctified there by.